I stand for:
Teams, and what we’re capable of when we do things together.
Values, meaning, story and purpose.
Lots of laughter, joy, and beauty in our lives at work and outside work.
Big goals, flawless delivery, and beautifully executed operations.
Efficiency, effectiveness, and outcomes achieved.
Full expression of self, complexity, nuance, and embracing our paradoxes.
Leadership, influence, and motivation.
Taking things seriously and having fun non-negotiably.
Lifelong growth, learning, and development.
Going after the big dream in your 40s. Or 50s. Or 80s.
Being the hero in your own story.
Changing the definition of possible.

I’m Mimi. I’m a coach.
I believe that leadership is an honor, and that people who accept that honor are special. I have three coaching certifications, have read a couple of hundred books about time management, leadership, and the human brain, and spent 20 years leading social purpose companies before starting my own. Some of the best leaders on the planet were my early teachers + mentors, and for that, I am eternally and immeasurably grateful.
I work with purpose-driven leaders to help them lead themselves, their time and achievement, and their teams. So they can BE well, LEAD well, and LIVE well.
Leader mental health is at the core of my coaching philosophy and practice. Joyful leaders create joyful teams who do work joyfully. Thanks for being here, and welcome to my world.