Free (and almost free) Resources
Resources + articles to help you get more of what you want.

FREE CLASS: Unstuck (The Jolt You’ve Been Looking For)
Whether you feel stuck generally, or just can’t seem to decide about something specific . . . stuck feels heavy, foggy, slow, and blah. This class is about shaking off stuck. Now. In three steps — that you can take TODAY — you’ll generate forward momentum and start to un-stick yourself. Shake off stuck and get going.

FREE CLASS: Sustainable Impact
Work is currently taking up too much space but it’s also a part of who you are. Having an impact is important to you. You want to contribute, just not at a cost. Tackle this problem at its root. Learn: why this challenge arises for so many leaders; three problematic imbalances in how we are taught to think about work, and; how to reset the scales for yourself. Start reclaiming your impact and making it sustainable.
Tame Your Wild Email
Email. It’s a powerful communication tool that is supposed to make our lives easier. But for so many people, it feels like the mail basket next to our front door has spilled over to fill our whole house. I know because I LIVED it. In this class, I’ll teach you the three steps I used to decrease my emails received from 800/week to 200/week and make myself the boss of my inbox rather than the other way around. For only $36 (really, not kidding), you’ll get your email under control, create a daily inbox routine, and scrutinize every email that crosses your metaphorical or literal desk. Take back your inbox, take back your life.