Episode 5: More Delightful Job Search: Part 1 (Why a Job Search Seems Worse than a Root Canal)

On its face, a job search is just a project. Take action, take action, and eventually get a result.

But a job search rarely feels like “just a project.” For many people, a search brings up all kinds of insecurity, dread, and discomfort.

Over the next few episodes of Joyful Leader, I’ll be talking about the mindset shifts that can help take your job search from terrible to terrific . . . or at least tolerable.

Whether you’re looking for a job now or know you will again at some point . . . this series of episodes will help you take charge and think differently about finding your next dream job.

Thanks for listening.

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Original music by Amir Sberlo | Never Bored
Photograph by Vivian Johnson
Design by Deena Rutter

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Hi, I'm Mimi

Leader mental health is at the core of my coaching philosophy and practice. Joyful leaders create joyful teams who do work joyfully. Thanks for being here, and welcome to my world.

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